Business Challenge

Rituals, as an Amsterdam-based brand that inspired by the fragrance of Asian Culture, it is looking for a way to expand the overseas’ market at present.

What We Made

Considering the target audience of Rituals, we launched an online advertising campaign to encourage the public to find happiness in the smallest of things.


Rituals has witnessed a evident growth of its own business that pursued by countless young women, now facing a situation of supply shortage.

A Sparkling Idea

Shampoo, perfume and cosmetics...We believe those elegant fragrances could impress you in an invisible way. Like digital marketing, we distill the feature, product concept and selling points to the target audience on real media in a addressable and credible way. It’s also a magical spiritual relaxation experience for you!

Wisdom Ads was tasked with a flexible and attractive advertising strategy to help Rituals in its business growth, and we did made it and build a reputation for Rituals too.


spontaneous awareness


brand loyalty